• Comedy Class | Need A Laugh? Tell The Truth!

    Updated: 2012-08-22 12:03:34
    TweetHmmm? What’s that you say? Tell the truth? Why do I need to waste my time telling the truth when I’m busy trying to be funny? One of the best things about comedy is that almost anything goes, especially the truth. My comedy students ask me: “what do I do when they’re not laughing?” My [...] . . . → Read More: Comedy Class | Need A Laugh? Tell The Truth!

  • Performance Critique: June 29

    Updated: 2012-07-25 01:35:29
    The 8pm show, light crowd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfoEAF2LeM 1m30s Say “shit is getting real” instead of “uncomfortable” 4m33s Try to get back into the material smoother 8m22s Good job pushing the crowd interaction Overall: Material struggled but the crowd work went well and I did a lot more of it than I usually do.

  • Comedian Lesson: Paralyzed By Analysis

    Updated: 2012-07-22 20:21:21
    Tweet Trying to make a decision on whether or not to try stand up comedy or whether or not to get into stand-up? It’s not an easy decision. As humans our ability to think about the modeled world is extremely effective our abilities to problem solve and develop an innovative approach to solve a problem is [...] . . . → Read More: Comedian Lesson: Paralyzed By Analysis

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